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Archives & Records

Association of New Zealand

Te Huinga Mahara

Managing information in SharePoint in Microsoft 365

ARANZ are happy to announce the first in a series of free webinars focused on information and records management topics. Hear from two members of ARANZ Council, who happen to both work with SharePoinRead more

Virtual Leadership Programme

Drawing from a group coaching approach, Aurora’s Virtual Leadership Program offers a personalised learning experience that enhances individual learning through connection, reflection andRead more

Palmerston North Library Heritage Month and Local History Week

Heritage Month featuring Local History Week March in Palmerston North is Heritage Month. Across the month there are over 85 activities, presented and hosted by 50 organisations and individuals. WeRead more


The AGM is scheduled for Monday 16th December 2024 @12pm via Zoom Link for meeting is here The nomination form for Council Roles can be found here 2023 Minutes Financial Report Presidents Report NewRead more

Ferrymead Heritage Park Working Bee

Ferrymead Heritage Park is counting down the days until it comes out of its winter hibernation.   Aside from the important rebuilding and maintenance work, the Trust and staff have been focusing onRead more

Australian Society of Archivists (ASA), Archives & Records Association of NZ Te Huinga Mahara (ARANZ) and Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council of Archives (PARBICA) 2024 Conference

The Australian Society of Archivists (ASA), Archives & Records Association of NZ Te Huinga Mahara (ARANZ) and the Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council of ArchivesRead more

Call for Volunteers for Conference 2024

Applications for volunteers are now open. Join us in Ōtautahi | Christchurch from 22-25 October 2024 at Opening the Archives: Share your experiences and strategies for achieving this through access,Read more

Wellington Branch AGM

ARANZ Wellington Branch AGM 2023-2024   ARANZ WELLINGTON BRANCH NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be held on Thursday 22 August 2024, 12.30-1.20pm via Microsoft Teams   Link to register for AGM Read more

Call for Papers: Tandanya-Adelaide Declaration Symposium 2024

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the Tandanya-Adelaide Declaration Symposium 2024, which will take place during this year’s conference on 25 October 2024 at the Te Pae ConventionRead more

2024 Conference Registration & Scholarships

The Registration page for the Conference is here. The Scholarship Application form has the details of the 3x Student, 3x Cost of Living and 1x Iwi Archivist scholarships/bursaries provided byRead more

Careers in Heritage

This FREE event for senior high school and university students will introduce them to the many and varied careers in arts and heritage. If you want to find out more about what it takes to become aRead more

Archives NZ Care Records definition released

Using your feedback, we’ve now published the care records definition. You can read both a detailed text version and a plain language summary on our website. There’s also information on why andRead more

Letter from ARANZ President to Chief Archivist and the National Librarian re: Change Proposal

Linked below is a letter from ARANZ President Richard Foy on behalf of the members of ARANZ, PHANZA, and NZHA to express our deep concern regarding the change proposal announced on 21 November 2024 for Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Archives New Zealand and Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand

Letter can be found here

Response can be found here

Closure of Te Maeatanga Digitisation Programme (Response from Chief Archivist) to ARANZ Letter

Attached in the link below is the response from the Chief Archivist

Letter from Chief Archivist

Closure of Archives NZ Digitisation Programme and on-demand services

The ARANZ President on behalf of the ARANZ council and members has written to the Chief Archivist, Archives New Zealand, to express the Association's disappointment and concerns regarding the announced closure of their Te Maeatanga Digitisation Programme and on-demand service. 

You can read the President's letter here

News & Events

Up-to-date information about conferences, training sessions, seminars, talks and exhibitions relating to archives and records keeping.


View and search online for Archifacts from 1974


Useful resources to assist members & their wider understanding of information management


A directory of our ARANZ branches, contact information and office holders


ARANZ is an incorporated society, established in 1976, with the aim of promoting the understanding and importance of records and archives in New Zealand. ARANZ is administered nationally by a Council of elected members. Branches are established in Auckland, Canterbury, Central Districts, Otago/Southland, Waikato/Bay of Plenty, and Wellington.

Archivists; record managers; librarians; and other information managers; genealogists; historians; teachers; museum and art gallery curators; religious groups; professional associations; historical societies; businesses; local and central government agencies; and many other interested in the preservation and use of archives and records.

Become an ARANZ Member

There are many advantages to membership and it is a key way of engaging with the information management profession and the issues before us.

Help to preserve New Zealand’s archives and records.
Keep you informed about current archives and recordkeeping concerns and initiatives.
Give your concerns a stronger voice through the Association’s submissions and reports.
Grant you access to an informal ARANZ library.

Enable you to meet people who share your interest in archives and recordkeeping who can assist with your information needs.
Enable you to attend branch meetings and seminars.
Entitle you to receive ARANZ publications.
Give you discounted registration for ARANZ annual conferences, that provide relevant programmes of high quality.