ARANZ Alert is a quarterly news bulletin, which replaces the quarterly National Newsletter, thereby keeping members informed of news and developments as they happen.
The editor is always pleased to receive items for inclusion. These might include topical items about archives and recordkeeping matters, events, or issues; or branch news or events. Typically bulletin items are no longer than 500 words. Items for inclusion should be submitted electronically, but will be accepted in hard copy. Digital images are welcome. Photographs can also be submitted. The editor is happy to return any photographs after publication. The Editor has the final word on all decisions regarding content. The bulletin may carry advertising. This is very reasonably priced and all enquiries should be directed to the Editor who can provide details of costs and arrangements.
Enquiries about ARANZ Alert should be directed to the Bulletin Editor
Editor's Note
Just a quick note from me to remind you all to be on the lookout for interesting stories. Our readers are always interested in what is happening in other parts of the country. A few hundred words is plenty.
Contact the Editor