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Ferrymead Heritage Park Working Bee

Ferrymead Heritage Park Working Bee

Ferrymead Heritage Park is counting down the days until it comes out of its winter hibernation.


Aside from the important rebuilding and maintenance work, the Trust and staff have been focusing on building social capital and connections to Canterbury’s many and diverse communities. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, but every day sees new connections formed and exciting opportunities emerge.


There are two very special times this month that will help us improve those relationships.


The first is a working bee we’ve planned for Saturday 21st  and Sunday 22nd of September. We’re hoping that the idea of helping spruce-up the Park will appeal to people from a variety of backgrounds. We’ve identified hundreds of tasks that can be easily finished in a three-hour timeframe and have left plenty of time on each day to network and enjoy the beauty and hospitality of the Park with luncheon and refreshments.


If you’re keen to participate (or know others who also might be) you can contact to register. We’re asking for just a few hours of your time and have divided the weekend into four parts (Sat AM, Sat PM, Sun AM, Sun PM) so make sure you let us know which one or ones you prefer. Lunch, as mentioned, is provided and everyone will get a proper safety briefing and a debrief. If you are really good at a particular activity (painting, gardening, etc.) then let us know. And please also let us know any dietary and personal needs.


The second significant time is our re-opening, which will be invitation-only and held on Sunday 29th of September. The Park will open at 10 AM and His Worship Mayor Phil will cut a ribbon at 11 AM and – if we’re very lucky – give a speech too. You’ll be soothed by the charming sounds of the Sumner Silver Brass Band, enjoy activities and (interesting) lectures, and get private tours of parts of the Park not normally accessible to the public. The day will finish at 2 PM and the Park will open to the general public the following day.


Whether or not you can participate in the working bee, you are cordially welcome – as members of our fine heritage community – to attend the re-opening day. If you would like a ticket (tickets admit four people) then please email on or before Sunday 22nd of September. This will allow us to calculate how many staff we will need on the day. Please find attached an invitation. Just show it at the ticket office when you arrive (on your phone is fine – no need to print it).


Wishing you the very best on behalf of the volunteers and staff of Ferrymead Heritage Park. Noho ora mai koe i roto i ngā manaakitanga katoa!



Jarrod Coburn

GM (Operations)

Ferrymead Heritage Park