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Archifacts is the journal of the Archives and Records Association of New Zealand Te Huinga Mahara. It is published yearly in physical form and distributed free to members. For non-members, electronic versions are available on the ARANZ website after 18 months.


The journal welcomes contributions on archive, recordkeeping, and related preservation issues. Heritage components of information and/or document management will also be considered. This includes discussion of theory, practice, events, people, ideas, viewpoints and research. 

Contributions can be in the form of articles, opinion pieces, reviews, and summarised person-related content such as obituaries and celebratory pieces. The Journal is keen to accept content from practitioners, consultants, students, academics, and researchers. Authors do not have to be members of ARANZ to submit content. 

Preference is given to content relating to Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific, but articles can be of a more international nature. A double-blind peer review option is available for longer and more academic articles. 

Anyone interested in making a submission to the journal should email the Editor to discuss their plans. 

Guidelines and Templates

Intending contributors should download the following information before submitting content:

  1. Publishing Guidance. This gives more detailed information about the journal as well as a Style Guide.

  2. Writing Templates. These templates need to be used or followed when writing content. These include:

Other templates are available and will be sent out by the Editor. 


All articles except standard articles are to be sent to the Editor or one of the Editorial Team by the 1st of June each year.  Standard articles are to be sent to the Editor by the 30th of June. 

Questions or correspondence

All questions and correspondence should be sent to the Editor.